Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blogging: Take Two

I am still in a state of shock. I thought that my gmail account and I were in a long term relationship-- that we would grow old together. You know--together forever. Then, without warning, Google spurned me and took not only my email account but my blog, too. There was no good-bye, no discussion-- just a cold message to Brigham's account saying that my account was "disabled". Had I only only had some hint that this was coming, I would have taken better care of my Google account-- printing out blog entries that I was using as a journal, printing important emails. But no-- here I am, trying to pick up the pieces of my shattered internet life. I only hope that my sad experience will encourage some of you who may be taking your Google account for granted to mend your ways before you find yourself dumped-- like me.


  1. We are so sorry. Can you save the great content you had somehow? Glad for the new start.
