Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Testosterone Overload

Yesterday Benjamin got his first taste of ballet.  I was watching a clip someone posted on Facebook of some Chinese ballet group performing Swan Lake.  It was quite amazing actually.  While I was watching it, Benjamin walked into the room and started watching over my shoulder.  After only a few seconds he said, "Whoa.  That is creepy."  I protested indignantly that it was NOT creepy, and after another second he asked, "What are they DOING?"  This boy can watch HOURS of men charging down a field after a funny-shaped ball and crashing into each other without blinking an eye or questioning what on earth they are DOING, yet he gets weirded out by a few seconds of ballet!  There is obviously an excess of testosterone in this house.


  1. I wish you posted every day! It would be much easier to be of good cheer. I love laughing and learning about your life.

  2. Amen to what Claudia said! And I still think you should write a book...it would be a winner!
