Wednesday, May 30, 2012

IQ Testing

Today Ty had his IQ tested.  I guess that kids with PKU and hyperphe get tested every couple of years to make sure that their protein levels are not damaging their brains.  Anyhow, Ty had his first one today, and the test administrator started with easy questions and puzzles that got harder and harder.  My favorite moment was when she asked him, "What do you take outside to keep from getting wet when it rains?"  Without hesitation, Ty's response was, "Paper towels."

In case you were wondering, his IQ is in the high average range... go stock up on your paper towels.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ping Pongs

Last week while dropping Benjamin off at school, Ty suddenly got all excited and shouted, "Look!  Ping pongs!  Ping pongs on the tree!"  I had no idea what he was talking about, but the same thing happened the next day.  I asked him where the "ping pongs" were, and he said, "On the sharp tree!  Ping pongs on the sharp tree!"  Finally I got it-- pine cones!  All during our camping trip to Bryce Canyon he continued to call them ping pongs despite our modeling of the correct terms (though I have to admit that I didn't try too hard since I think it is so cute to hear pine cones called ping pongs!).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pants are for Girls

Overall Ty is doing really well with his potty training.  He pees in the potty independently about 98% of the time now, which we are very happy about.  It's #2 (aka "woo" at our house) that is really keeping him from claiming the "potty trained" title.  For some reason, he is afraid to do it in the potty.  He will go off by himself when the time comes, do the deed in his pants, and then take the messy pants off wherever he is.

Yesterday after dinner Ty was outside playing in the backyard while I helped Jacob work out some kinks with his electronics.  After I was done, I looked outside and saw Ty-- naked from the waist down-- standing at our back fence and chatting with our neighbor who was weeding nearby.  Mortified, I called him in, cleaned him up, and got some pants back on him.  Shortly thereafter it was time for me to put him to bed.  As I was getting him ready for bed, I heard the back door open and shut.  After Ty was finally in bed, I went to find Jacob.  He was in the back yard-- completely naked-- getting a kick out of watching his shadow jump up and down when he did... and our neighbor was still out weeding.  I don't even want to know what he and his wife think about our crazy family!