Wednesday, December 7, 2011

AMA-- the Silent Killer

Advanced Maternal Age (AMA).  It sounds like a terrible disease, don't you think?  Well, I'm only two weeks away from joining the unfortunate ranks of those suffering from it.  How do I know this?  Not because I'm married to a doctor (he's far to smart to be the one to give me such a diagnosis).  I know  because of a conversation I overheard three years ago.  I was pregnant with Ty at the time, and I was sitting in the lobby of the Maternal/Fetal imaging department at UNM hospital waiting for an ultrasound.  As I was waiting, I overheard the receptionist answer a call and insist that YES, so-and-so ABSOLUTELY needed to get a genetic screening because she was 34, and they always screened women of Advanced Maternal Age.  I was horrified.  There I was at age thirty-- forced into the realization that I was only four years away from Advanced Maternal Age!  Only four years left to entertain any delusions that I might have about being young! Turning thirty was bad enough, but ever since that fateful day, 34 has been a birthday that I've been dreading!


  1. Getting old is rough. I'm glad I'm not as old as you.

  2. I know a lot of people with AMA, and they still seem pretty cool to me. I might have AMA myself one of these years.

  3. Isn't it 35 that they start using the term "geriatric pregnancy"? There's a pretty funny list of "these terms were obviously made up by men... in a non-impressive way" terms in the back of the TCOYF book. Cracks me up.
