Sunday, December 18, 2011

Good Times

December is a wonderful time of the year for so many reasons.  Here are pictures of just a few.

Benjamin's cousins gave him this BYU santa hat for Christmas, and of course he loves it!

Ty was very happy to see his cousin Sarah at the Dastrup Christmas Party and torment... er... spend some time with her.

Although reluctant to take a starring role in the Nativity, Benjamin overcame his stagefright and did an excellent job portraying Joseph with co-star Sarah, playing Mary.  The whole production was casted and directed by Anna.

Jacob's joy knew no bounds when he got what Ty refers to as the "penguin playground" from Grandma and Grandpa Dastrup.  While Brigham swears that he might never forgive them (it gets very high marks on the "obnoxious toy music" scale), I am thrilled to bits to see Jacob playing with something other than electronics!
We went to Temple Sqare as a family to see the lights.  As always, Jacob refused to wear a hat or gloves.  Of course he got cold before very long and wanted to go home, but we had a nice time while it lasted.

A freshly toothless boy-- blood and all.  Benjamin lost his other front tooth just in time to make the song All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth his theme song for the season.
I am glad that this season isn't over yet and that there are many great memories yet to be made!


  1. Great post! Looks like some great times with Brigham's family. Cousins always make it great! Score with that toy that Jacob likes! Claudia and Max seem to be good at that.

  2. Again we loved this great post and seeing the photos.
