Ugh. It's official: I am bored of blogging. But it was my New Year's resolution, so I must press on! One blog a month is pathetic at best, I know. I'm going to TRY to do better in September. It seems that some improvements have been made to blogger since I blogged last, so maybe this will be easier now and I'll feel more inspired to blog more. We'll see...
We had some good times this month. First of all, at the beginning of the month, our good friends from Baltimore, the McBrides and the Harknesses, came for a visit while both were on vacation here in Utah.
It was so fun to catch up with these great friends and to see these kiddos who spent their babyhood together get reacquainted.
Next came a camping trip to the mountain property with Gramps and Grandma Groneman! Grandma and Grandpa Dastrup were sweet enough to watch Jacob (our non-camper) so that Benjamin, Ty and I could stay the night (Daddy had to work).
We had so much fun! Ty dug in the dirt with tractors that Gramps brought and rode down the hill on his toy ATV. Benjamin practiced his archery and made "mountain buddies" out of rocks and googly eyes. We all helped Gramps divert a stream and make stairs down to our "beach" by the stream, roasted hot dogs, and ate lots of s'mores!
Cousin Emmy came up for a little while, and she and Ty had a great time playing together. Ty was really excited about sleeping in the trailer and kept asking to go to bed. He went down happily, and although he was too excited to sleep for awhile, he was happy to stay in his bed in the trailer!
For me, the next exciting thing was Education Week. Between my wonderful mother and mother-in-law offering their babysitting services, I was able to go for most of the week, and it was fabulous! I went to a lot of parenting classes, and now I am busily trying to be a better mom! What a great opportunity to refuel my mind and spirit and recharge after a LONG summer! THANK YOU to both Moms!
August 22nd was the light at the end of my tunnel that finally arrived: the first day of school! I am ashamed to admit that I was quite giddy the night before-- it really did feel like Christmas Eve! I know a lot of moms who were sad to send their kids back to school, but they definitely don't have the same situation that we do. After being home all summer with 3 kids who can't really play together, and being stuck in our house for a good part of it because I can't take Ty and Jacob (who run-- or sprint, in Ty's case--in opposite directions) most places without help from another adult, and since Brigham works or sleeps most days of the week, it was a very long summer! So anyway, school finally started last Monday!
Benjamin started 3rd grade at a new school where the gifted program is located. Of course he was nervous about going to another new school (his 4th in 4 years, poor kid), but so far he has made a couple of friends and seems to be doing pretty well.
Jacob also started at a new school-- one exclusively for kids with disabilities. His teacher is wonderful, and it sounds like he is having a good time there and learning some new things, too!
Of course the biggest event of the month was Jacob's sixth birthday last Friday. He had school, but that evening we had a birthday party with both sets of grandparents. He received all kinds of wonderful John Deere presents and a Mario blanket, too. He was one happy boy.
Since Mario Kart is Jacob's new passion, I made him a Mario Kart cake and then we played Mario Kart for him. He was thrilled to pieces!
We are so grateful to have this sweet boy in our family and for all the love and joy that he brings to us!